Selections of Documentary and Fiction
from the Filmography of Brooklyn TrueHeart Demme (2013-2025)
Type: Documentary
Runtime: 1 hr. 26 min.
Location: Monmouth County, NJ, Scheyichbi
Description: Diligence is an embodied piece which seeks to give (require of) viewers the
same thing which it celebrates in Sand Hill Band Lenape & Cherokee Tribal Historian Carrie
Jones’ victory in restoring her family’s burial ground: Diligence. Just like swiping a credit
card at the grocery store might be easier than sourcing food from the land, hunting or
growing vegetables might be challenging for the same reason it is ultimately more
enriching. This film is meant to inspire Black and Indigenous people who might have a legal
pathway for reclaiming land stolen from their families (particularly land presently (mis-) classified
as public cemeteries/parks). Victorious, first-time pro-se attorney Carrie Jones shows us that
With Diligence, we can overcome.
Diligence (2025)
Type: Original Fiction
Runtime: 1 hr. 25 min.
Location: Nyack, NY, Lenapehoking
Description: Mountain Lion is an intense drama about personal relationships, mental
health, and family dynamics, which uses magical realism to express mindfulness in intimate
relationships and seriousness in prayer.
Mountain Lion (2024)
Type: Documentary
Runtime: 14 min.
Location: Comunidad Wachirpas, Nacîon Achuar de Ecuador, Amazonia
Description: People of the Amazonian Achuar Nation of Ecuador exercise a traditional, collective
fishing technique, while seeking solutions to unrelated drinking water contamination affecting
their community.
The People of The River
Wachirpas (2023)
Type: Documentary
Runtime: 9 min.
Location: Haverstraw, NY
Description: The one and only Virginia Norfleet makes history by keeping it alive and
sharing it with others.
The Haverstraw African
American Connection (2022)
Type: Call to Action
Runtime: 2 min.
Location: Rockland County, NY
Description: This is our response to the public, digital race-baiting of
Rockland County (NY) Sheriff Lou Falco in 2020.
Ending Culture of Racism in Rockland
County Law Enforcement (2020)
Type: Original Fiction
Runtime: 9 Min.
Location: Rockland County, NY
Description: Whether internal or inter-subjective, joy is meant to be experienced.
A Time of Two Joys (2019)
Type: Documentary
Runtime: 22 Min.
Location: Bergen County, NJ, Scheyichbi
Description: The Place Where the People Gather witnesses members of the
Ramapough Lenape Nation praying and working to protect their sacred land and
place of worship. Weaving together an old Lenape Woodpecker story of life with a
newer one of extinction, this is an ode to indigenous futures and unity on earth.
Akuy Eend Mahwehlaang:
The Place Where
the People Gather (2019)
Type: Poem Video
Runtime: 5 min.
Location: Oberlin, OH
Description: This video companion for the poem Solidarity, by the late, great Meeko
Israel, is shot in front ofOberlin’s monument to John Brown and the city residents
who gave their lives at Harpers Ferry. Shot against the backdrop of the police
station, this video honors Black abolitionists in the City of Oberlin, then and now.
“Solidarity” by Meeko Israel (2013)